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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Not So Merry Christmas

The past week has been a long one for us. Poor Lily hasn't been feeling good. It started last Tuesday she was pretty fussy which is really un like her. So I stayed home with her on Wednesday (Christmas Eve) and she was just getting more and more fussy so I took her temp and it was 102, so off to the ER we went. I was pretty upset I felt so bad for her. When we got to MWH they took us right back and thank god my sister in-law Shannon was there so I didn't have to be alone. They took some blood from Lily and her white blood cell count was up so they had to draw spinal fluid to find out what was wrong with her. At this point Tim was there and poor Lily wouldn't eat so she was starting to become dehydrated. They tried to give her an IV but were unable to get one started. I felt so bad for her. By 7 pm we were admitted and they told us we were going to have to stay for a few days to see what the test results were from her spinal fluid. They kept trying to get an IV started but failed every time. They tried 16 different times, 2 time in each hand 2 times in each arm 4 times in her scalp, once in each ankle and once in each foot. Since they still didn't have an IV and she wasn't eating they also put in a feeding tube (this is around 1 or 2 am) they tried to put an IV in to the bone in her leg, this is every painful and they are not able to give her any pain medicine. I had to leave the room for many of these things I just couldn't stand seeing them hurt my baby. The IV in the bone worked for about 5 minutes and then stopped so they had to take it out. At that point they told us there were going to have to send us to a different hospital b/c there was nothing more they could do for her there. Tim and I were upset and we were so tired and just wanted Lily to be ok so we deiced to go to MCV and around 6 am they transported Lily and I in an ambulance. Tim followed in the car. After we got to MCV things really turned around they said that she had an ear infection and it hurt for her to eat. They have her some ear drops to numb her hears and she started eating right away. Tim and I were so relieved after a couple of hours you could see that she was feeling much better. Everyone at MCV was so nice and they really took great care of Lily. It was hard being there on Christmas day but we were just glad that Lily was getting better. We got to go home on Friday. She still isn't her self but she is getting better. We are all hoping that next Christmas is much better. Her are some pictures of our hospital stay.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pretty In Pink....

10 Weeks old.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

First Day Back to Work

Well today is my first day back to work and I feel like I am doing ok... Lily got up at 5 am so I feed her and got her all ready for her big day and we got out of the house by 5:45 I think we did pretty well. She was asleep when I dropped her of so I felt pretty good leaving her there. Her daycare isn't far from work so I went over at 11 today to feed her and she seemed happy so that makes me happy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Some pictures of the ever changing Lily.

She is really changing everyday, she now smiles and makes all kinds of noises.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Be Thankful for your Family

This has been a long week for our family. My uncle Brian found out last Monday that he has a very large brain tumor on the right front side of his brain. This news took everyone by surprise. Brian is only 28 years old, and other then the tumor he is a healthy guy. Him and his wife Lisa were in the middle of moving when he found out about the tumor. Tim and I with many other from my family spend the weekend with Brain and Lisa helping to get there new house set up. Brian went in for surgery to have the tumor removed this pass Monday. We were all there to help support Lisa and Brian through this terrible time. Brian's surgery went pretty well, but he still has lots of test to go through before we really know what kind of Cancer the tumor is, after that they will talk about what kind of treatment he will have to go through to have a full recovery. So far Brian is doing really well and has been moved out of ICU and into a regular room. He still has lots of family there to support him and Lisa. Lisa seems to be doing really well with every thing, much better then I think I would.

Here are some pictures of this pass weekend before Brian went in for surgery.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This weekend we got some family photo's taken. I think they turned out great.

This is Lily's hospital picture.

Here she is 1 Month old!

We had to get her picture taken with Santa.

The Happy Hanson Family

Grandma Hanson and Lily

Aunt Shannon and Lily

This is my new favorite picture.

Just Mom and Dad

We had a really good weekend Grandma Hanson watched Lily Saturday night so Tim and I went out for dinner. It was really nice but we were glad to get home.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One Month Old

I took Lily to her one month doctors appointment yesterday. It went pretty well until they gave her a shot in the leg, it just about broke my heart. She weighs 11 lb and 6 oz. She has put on 2 pounds in 2 weeks so she must be eating pretty well haha. She is 22 3/4 inches long. She also peed all over the nurse when she was weighing her. Here are so pictures from the past few days.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Best Baby on the Block!

Lily has been doing really well, last night we feed her around 8:30 and she was asleep by 9:15 and did not get up until 4 this morning... I don't know to may 1 month old babies that sleep that well through the night. Tim and I know that we are pretty lucky.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Birthday Dinner

Jenn took Shannon and I out to dinner for Shannon's birthday. We had a great time, and it was my first time out with out Lily. She stayed home and hung out with dad. It was a great night. Thanks Jenn

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dirty Looks

Please notice the Dirty Look Lily is giving her self... haha

More Pictures of Lily!

Here are some more pictures of life with Lily.

Lily loves her daddy!

This is Tim giving Lily her first bottle

When grandma comes the house everyone needs her attention!

Grandpa Hanson come to see Lily.

Lily loves to look at her Mommy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Life with Lily

Things have been going pretty good. My grandma comes over everyday during the weeks for a few hours to give me a hand. It has been such a big help having her here. I don't know if I would have made it through the first week without her. It is nice to just have some one who can reassure you that you are doing a good job. Tim has been doing a great job as well, he has been the one giving Lily her bath it is still a bit hard for me to bend over the tub. Tim spends lots of time with Lily when he gets home from work and has been putting her down at night so I can get to bed a bit before her. She sleeps really well at night, I only have to get up once or twice. I think we were pretty lucky that she was so big when she was born. I think bigger babies tend to sleep longer haha. I feel like I am recovering pretty well, I have lost about 35 pounds so I am less then 10 pounds from where I was when I got pregnant. That is a good feeling but my body sure doesn't look the same haha I don't know if it ever will.

Thanks to everyone for all of your support this past year it has really meant a lot to Tim and I.

This is Tim getting ready to give Lily her first bath at home.

This is Tim after Lily pottied on him on there way to the bath tub.
( He loves being a dad!)

This is Lily enjoying her first bath at home.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby Lily

Here are some more pictures of baby Lily and are first week at home.