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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Baby Lily

She will be her tomorrow some time. I am 1 week over due so they are going to induce me tomorrow. Not really something I wanted to do, I really wanted her to come on her own, but it looks like this is the only way we will get to meet her. I am pretty nervous and I am totally grateful for all the support I have received from my family and friends. I have to send out a special thanks to Tim. He has does so much to help me thought the past 9 months and he has never once complained. I couldn't ask for a more understanding partner. I think the moment I am looking forward to the most is when Tim gets to hold his child for the first time. I know this is something that we have created together but in some way I feel like it is a gift that I am giving him. He has wanted to be a father for a while now and I know he is going to be great.

Thank you everyone
I love you Tim


girlysmack said...

It will be so amazing, watching your husband fall in love with another lucky lady...

I hope you continue blogging as Lily grows. It will be amazing watching you fall in love all over again, too.

What a lucky, lucky baby!

I love you guys so much...

Retainer Girl said...

GOOD LUCK!!!! You're going to be amazing tomorrow, and I can't wait to meet Lily!

BlondeJustice said...

You can do it lady! We are here for you. :D

Go team Lily!

leila said...

You rock sand Lily is so lucky to have you for a Mom. We'll stop by the hospital tomoorw evening to check in!


Lisa said...

I am alittle late reading this, So Lily is either here or well on her way!

You are going to be an amazing mother, and it seems like you and Tim are an amazing team. Remember that those first few weeks, and dont forget to cherish every moment and take lots of pictures with her...despite what you feel like. I had a lot of depression after Addie and I regret that I dont have more pics with her when she was brand new!

Welcome to the club, and have fun learning each other and falling in love with your miracle!

girlysmack said...

Judi just called me to say you are doing so awesome! I am so proud of you. Not much longer to go now (you are at 8 or 9 centimeters finally!) and so many people are thinking of you and praying for you.

We love you so much! Can't wait for the big news!

Danielle said...

im so excited i cant wait =) nikki called and said that you had to go get a c-section so lily should be here soon!!! i love you and i wish i was there for you like you were for me!

Dark Fury said...

Congratulations, guys! You had a ginger. . . .You guys do good work!