NestBaby Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lily's List of Words

Lily is 15 months old and here is a list of the words Lily is now able to say/sign.

Dada (can also sign)

More (can also sign)



Apple (New)

Dexter (kid in her class)

Hi (waves)

Bye-Bye (waves)

Thank you (sign only)

Please (sign only)

Cup (uses the sign for milk)

All done (sign)


I Love You (sign only)

Help (sign only)


I will have you notice that no where on this list is Mama... when Lily was about 10 months old she said mama for about a week straight but hasn't said it since... I am starting to think that she doesn't like me. LOL!

She is getting so big and has such a funny personality, I love her.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

hi there(: im danielle. im a senior in highschool and am going on my fourth year of taking sign language classes. anything you'd like to learn? just ask! follow back(: btw your daughters the cutest(: