Well, things are changing at the Hanson house. My sister-in-law will be moving this weekend. She found a really nice newly remodeled apartment for her and Pearl. Well will have a busy weekend helping her move and getting her settled in. I know she is really looking forward to having her own place. Also my father-in-law Rob will be up to help with the move. It will be nice to see him. I think that last time we saw him was last May at Shannon's graduation. I know Tim misses his dad and really looks forward to seeing him. So everyone please wish Shannon good luck in her new apartment. I will have to see if she will be up for having a house warming party, maybe some time in May.
Also Tim is going to start painting some of the rooms in our house. We plan to start transforming the office into baby Hanson's bedroom. I am still not sure what colors I want to do in there. I think we are going to try and paint the guess bedroom, guess bathroom and the soon to be nursery. Tim makes it sound so easy but to me it seems like a big task. haha But Tim is really good at fixing things around the house, painting and hanging pictures. That is one of the things I love about him.
Guess Bedroom
I am thinking about doing a slat blue in the guess bedroom, it has white carpet...which if I ever pick out carpet for a house I will never have white again. What a pain. I will see if I can find some pictures to put up like Erin did of the colors I like. I will have to accent with white but what other color should I accent with. I don't want to much white in there b/c I don't want people who stay in there to feel uncomfortable. You know what I mean.
Guess Bathroom
I would like to do a coco/rich sand color ( I am making up the color names haha) on the walls and maybe accent with a rust color, here again any ideals will be great.
If we go ahead and paint the walls a tan color we can go back and do a boarder of pale lavender for a girl or a soft ocean blue/green for a boy. Maybe get dark wood for the crib. Thses are just some of the ideas I have. I would love to hear every one's ideas.
P.S. For some of you who haven't seen me in a while my belly is starting to stick out... I feel like it is way noticeable but I am sure most people just think I have been eating to much haha which could be part of it lol. Oh I also think that I am starting to fell the baby move which is really crazy. I am not 100% sure that is what it is but there is something going on in there.
16 years ago
Hooray for all kinds of good news.
I *love* these prints for a nursery:
That's a "9" after the "3."
Good to finally hear from you, slacker!
aww, I love when you first start showing...its like your first proof that there really is something going on in there! Treasure those movements if youre feeling them- thats the only thing I miss about pregnancy (well that and my lack of concern over my portion sizes!) As for the paint colors, I am horrible about this and always wish I had done something different afterwards, so I will let everyone else help you with that one! :)
Have you tried some yellow with the blue? Of course it depends on what color blue you go with but it usually looks good. I have my Florida room painted yellow and have blue curtains ... try it and see if you like it!
Your guest bedroom and bathroom are going to look awesome when you are done! Have fun! :)
Oh! I totally forgot to add in my other post I noticed your baby belly the day before you left for Arizona. That is the first time I have really seen it ... I think you were wearing a tighter outfit than normal. Just to let you know ... you totally don't look fat! Wait until baby Hanson kicks the *hit out of your ribs ... ahhh... fond memories ... good times ... well the ribs sort of hurt but it is pretty awesome when they kick straight out and you can see it! Once baby Hanson gets bigger you will see little knees and elbows poking out too as it tries to move around. :) Enjoy Mama Hanson!
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