Wonderful Thanksgiving. My holiday started on Wednesday, I got to sleep into until 8 or so and that was great. Paula and I went to Shannon M.'s going away party. Shannon changed jobs so now we will not be working together but she has moved on to a job that she finds more fulfilling. Anyway so we went to a Mexican restaurant and had a nice lunch with lots of the people I work with. It was really fun and I think that Paula enjoyed herself. After lunch Paula, Shannon and my self went for pedicures. That is always a good time. When we were done we ran over to the mall to meet with Shannon's in-laws so that Paula could see sweet baby Kendall. I am pretty sure Paula fell in love with her, but then who doesn't? When we were done there we went to Erin's to pick up the things we ordered from her Pampered Chef party. It was nice to visit with them for a few moments. Erin was slaving away in the kitchen and the kids were running around. It was a nice visit. So after running the roads all day with Paula we headed home for a night of cooking. We were so tired from our running around that we ordered pizza haha, It was good. Also I have to send a thanks out to Paula, while I was at work on Tuesday and she was stuck at our house all day she did all kinds of cleaning to include our laundry. I don't think Paula understands the meaning of relaxing. We are going to have to help her work on that. : ) So Wednesday night Shannon H and I made our pies and Paula made the jello. I also made twice backed Sweet potatoes. That was not easy, but it turned out to be really good.
Thursday was wonderful, can you guys believe that weather it was out of this world. We had the windows and doors open all day. The cooking went well Shannon, Paula and my self pulled it off with out any issues. We work well together as a team. We ended the night with a game. That was a lot of fun.
Friday morning is where the real fun began. Paula, Shannon and myself were all up at 3:30 am and out the door by 4:15. But little did we know we were late. The parking lot was full when we got to the mall at 4:45 and there was a line out the door. But we did get there early enough to receive the gift bags they were giving away. I would say over all the Shopping went smoothly and we did get some great deals. After about 5 hours of shop Paula the Shannon's (Shannon H and Shannon M) and my self hit the dinner in Central Park for some Brunch. I think a good time was had by all.
Things I learned from Black Friday this year.
1. Get up earlier, next year we are going to have to up our time by about 30 minutes.
2. Doesn't matter how warm it was the day before wear a jacket.
3. Don't dress alike. We didn't dress alike but there was a group of women in line in front of us that did. I think there was like 7 or 8 of them.
4. Don't listen to the rumors in the waiting line. We heard all kinds of rumors about how all the stores had to be open and who had what and what the sales were. Most of them were not true.
5. Don't even think about going to Cracker Barrel for Brunch on this day.....
I had a great time and I hope that everyone else did as well. I do hope to see some more of you out next year. If you start training now I know you will be ready haha.
16 years ago
Sounds like you had a lovely time. It was so nice to see Paula agin, sorry our house was so crrrrrazy!
I had a blast! It was a great week, too short! Had fun meeting Roxanna's co-workers...still waiting for photo Dallas took. Enjoyed finally meeting baby Kendall and seeing Shannon and meeting her family. Turkey day was perfect, a great meal...must be the good cooks :) Shopping was good, I even bought something this year...however I was a the sissy from Florida and waited inside the mall for it to open...to cold...burr. The airport needs no explanation. And as always I love to see my kids all of three of them...and my grand puppies
Love Mom
PS Yes I know how to relax, I just really enjoy cleaning!
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